Το Ελληνικό Κίνημα Άμεσης Δημοκρατίας (www.dimopolis.com) χαιρετίζει με ενθουσιασμό τη διαφαινόμενη χειραφέτηση πληθυσμών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης από τα αφόρητα δεσμά της Παγκοσμιοποίησης, των Τραπεζικών και Πολυεθνικών Συστημάτων εξόντωσης των Πολιτών και των υποτελών τους Κυβερνήσεων. Λίγο πριν το γιορτασμό του «ΟΧΙ» και της Αντίστασης των Ελλήνων στον Άξονα του Αυταρχισμού ΔΙΑΚΗΡΥΣΣΟΥΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗ μας στους συνειδητούς αγώνες ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ στις «Πρωτεύουσες» Μεγαλουπόλεις των Κρατών-Μελών μιας δήθεν «Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης», που δεν έχει ΚΑΜΜΙΑ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ ΣΧΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ «ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ ΣΥΜΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ με (Άμεση) ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ», που από το 2004 οραματιζόμαστε και διεκδικούμε (https://youtu.be/AZU3mIafdy0)!!!
Ο Δημοκρατικός τρόπος διεκδίκησης της ΑΦΑΙΡΕΣΗΣ ΑΡΜΟΔΙΟΤΗΤΩΝ ΜΕ ΔΗΜΟΨΗΦΙΣΜΑΤΑ από τις κεντρικές «φορομπηχτικές» εξουσίες που με την απάτη των εκλογών δήθεν αντιπροσώπων μας καταστρέφουν τις ζωές μας ΕΙΝΑΙ Η ΜΟΝΗ ΠΛΕΟΝ ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΑ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΛΥΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΣΥΓΧΡΟΝΩΝ ΑΔΙΕΞΟΔΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΒΑΣΑΝΩΝ ΜΑΣ ! Διεκδικούμε λύσεις, μαζί με τους Καταλανούς και Ιταλούς συναγωνιστές μας στο περίφημο «πρόβλημα της Δημοκρατικής Αυτονομίας», που με ενάργεια έθεσαν ο Κορνήλιος Καστοριάδης, ο Κώστας Καλλιγάς με τις μελέτες του για τον Κοινοτισμό, ο αναπτυξιολόγος Ferdinand Toennies και πολλοί αδέσμευτοι στοχαστές – «Προμηθείς» Φωτός σε μια χειμάζουσα Ανθρωπότητα.
Το Ελληνικό Κίνημα Άμεσης Δημοκρατίας συμπαρατάσσεται με τις Δημοκρατικές Πατριωτικές Δυνάμεις των Ευρωπαίων Συμπολιτών μας που πέρα από την Ανατολή της Χειραφέτησης των Κοινωνιών από τη Δύση με Δημοψηφίσματα Ανεξαρτησίας συναντούν τα ανάλογα Δημοψηφίσματα στο Ιρακινό Κουρδιστάν και στις επερχόμενες εξελίξεις αυτοπροσδιορισμού των Λαών στην πολύπαθη Μέση Ανατολή και διδάσκουν στον αρχαίο ΦΩΤΟ-ΛΙΘΟ {ερμηνευτική ετυμολογία της λέξης «ΕΛ-ΛΑΣ»} της αυθεντικής ΔΗΜΟ-ΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ πως πρέπει να πορευτούμε πολιτικά και διεκδικητικά στο άμεσο μέλλον μας ! Στήνοντας Τοπικά «ΔΗΜΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ» σε κάθε μια από τις 52 Πόλεις-Πρωτεύουσες Νομών της Ελληνικής Επικράτειας από τους 500 πιο ενεργούς πολίτες τους και διεκδικώντας ΜΕ ΤΟΠΙΚΑ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΕΥΤΙΚΑ ΔΗΜΟΨΗΦΙΣΜΑΤΑ ( ανάλογα της Βενετίας και Λομβαρδίας, όχι αντίστοιχα της Καταλονίας) την Αυτοδιαχείριση των φορολογικών τους εσόδων, χωρίς τη διαμεσολάβηση της Αθήνας, των Βρυξελλών και του Βερολίνου και με αρχική αναστολή ( όχι πτώχευση) Πληρωμών των Ελληνικών Χρεών μέχρι την πιστοποίησή τους και τη σύνδεση της αποπληρωμής του όποιου πραγματικά εθνικά οφειλόμενου ποσού με ρήτρες οικονομικής μας Ανάπτυξης, που ποτέ δεν θα έλθει σε συνθήκες μνημονιακής μας Υποδούλωσης!
για μια «άλλη ΕΛΛΑΔΑ»!
Το Ελληνικό Κίνημα Άμεσης Δημοκρατίας δεν αντιπροσωπεύεται δυστυχώς από τον ευρωβουλευτή Νότη Μαριά, παρά το ότι αυτός εκλέχτηκε το 2014 και με τις ψήφους μας, αποκλειστικά από υπαιτιότητά του και σφετεριζόμενος τη θέση του ευρωβουλευτή ενάντια στις αρχές που οφείλει να διδάσκει στους φοιτητές του ως καθηγητής Ευρωπαϊκών Θεσμών.
Γι’ αυτό στείλαμε την περασμένη εβδομάδα, μετά τα δημοψηφίσματα που αναφερόμαστε, την εξής επιστολή σε όλους ανεξαίρετα τους ευρωβουλευτές και τις Αρχές του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου για να λάβουν τα απαιτούμενα μέτρα προς αποκατάσταση του Δικαίου:
FROM: Hellenic Direct Democracy Movement
TO: -Members of the European Parliament,
-European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee
REF.: MEP Notis Marias’ election distortion and actual resignation
Dear MEPs,
The Hellenic Direct Democracy Movement would wish to have a first contact with you for a pleasant reason or case. However the overall unacceptable and highly unethical and incompatible behaviour of MEP Notis Marias (who was elected to serve the 200.000 Greek citizens trusting their vote to the 4-party entity “Evropaiko Antimnimoniako Metopo” in which our party is one of the four components) leaves no other choice but to directly contact all Members of the European Parliament and inform them on the unacceptable, unethical and incompatible behaviour the above mentioned MEP has demonstrated shortly after he was elected.
This behaviour constitutes actual resignation, although he did not officially resigned as he should have done. Notis Marias does not have the credentials to be an MEP because he self-invalidated his mandate.
The main purpose of our letter is to provide you with accurate and reliable facts, which will lead you to initiate the process of establishing that the Notis Marias’ Parliament seat is actually in vacancy, that is, he detached himself from the legal, moral, political etc base which the 200.000 Greek citizens created for him, through their vote, in order for him to acquire the “Member of the European Parliament” capacity. Notis Marias proceeded into invalidating the mandate the 200.000 Greek citizens gave him and no longer has the capacity of MEP. The European Parliament should move to verify that “the validity of Notis Marias’ mandate” is negative, non-existent and his Parliament seat is vacant.
Background of events
Ιn the 2014 European Parliament elections οur Hellenic Direct Democracy Movement cooperated with the Independent Greeks (ANEL), Arma Politon and Pyrikafstos Hellas political parties and elected Mr. Notis Marias as Member of the European Parliament to represent almost 200.000 Greek citizens voting for our “Evropaiko Antimnimoniako Metopo” coalition. Mr Marias at that time was a high profile member of ANEL party and after elected he was representing of course all coalition parties and their voters.
After election, Mr. Marias decided, completely on his own, to brake contact with ALL FOUR parties which allowed him to become an MEP. Almost for the entire three year term until now he has been operating on his own arbitrary agenda without absolutely any representation of the 200.000 Greek citizens whom he should represent. The countless efforts from our side to meet him and ask him to honour his commitments to the 200.000 Greek citizens who elected him, were unsuccessful because of his “busy schedule”. He even refused to join the AKKEL (Agrarian Agricultural and Livestock) party President when he testified before the Petitions Committee. Notis Marias is the only MEP we elected. These 200.000 Greek citizens ARE NOT REPRESENTED by anyone, Notis Marias is the ONLY representative elected from our coalition. Their constitutional right for representation is violated for three consecutive years.
The European Parliament has now the responsibility to correct the situation and restore the representation of 200.000 Greek citizens.
Mr. Marias quit the Independent Greeks (ANEL) party because of disagreements with the ANEL party leader who is currently the Defence Minister in Greece. Regardless of the change in his party affiliation, his responsibility towards all 200.000 citizens, who elevated him into the MEP capacity, did not change at all and of course could not change because of an internal bilateral conflict. It is not the case where a party betrays its voters and some elected deputies who stand by its values, become independent. Our remaining three parties condemned ANEL for their U-turn when they became the second government party along with SYRIZA and jointly promoted policies that were completely against the 4-party coalition. The break-up of relations between Notis Marias and ANEL followed our 3-party break-up with ANEL. Therefore, our 3-party remaining group was in the same route with Notis Marias as before.
Mr. Marias took advantage of his disagreement with ANEL to break relations with all parties which gathered 200.000 votes and elevated him to the MEP position, although there was no justification for breaking up with our 3-party group which remained in line with our pre-election values and principles. He actually became a “one-man-party” until he created his personal party “Ellada, o allos dromos”.
Mr. Marias also made another act which totally verified that he detached himself from his mandate to represent the 200.000 Greek citizens. He made an unprecedented and completely arrogant move to join the irrelevant Group of Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) instead of the equivalent to our 4-party coalition Group of Freedom and Direct Democracy. We do not have strong coherence of values and principles with ECR. We only have with EFDD. The Direct Democracy element is the decisive one in our 4-party coalition and the EFDD Group was our choice which Mr. Marias did not honour as he was obliged to do. EFDD members invited him to join the Group and Mr. Marias refused to join. This was one more element in invalidating his mandate, detaching himself from the lifeline of the 200.000 voters, therefore actually resigning his position of MEP. He no longer has the proper credentials to be recognized as MEP, he himself invalidated his mandate and lost credentials.
Away from political and ideological differences, the ECR Group could never be a choice for our coalition mainly because of the “David Cameron DNA” in its creation and foundations. The former UK Prime Minister David Cameron is actually the person who created the Group. His policy towards vital Greek national issues was profoundly anti-Hellenic and anti-Democratic from supporting the Turkish, FYROM and other regimes up to claiming that the stolen Greek archaeological monuments known as the “Elgin Marbles” (after Lord Elgin who stole them) are not Greek mentioning that he “will not allow Britain lose its marbles”. In short, it would be inconceivable for a Greek to join this Group because of its founder.
The fact that the Conservatives and Reformists Group he selected also hired his son (George-Orion Marias) to work in the ECR Secretariat (Budgetary Control Committee) explains Notis Marias’ arrogant position because he knows that our coalition would never accept it. His son was hired by the ECR Secretariat before Notis Marias was elected and the MEP broke relations with our entire coalition in order to join the place where his son was working. Although he said that he did not ask ECR to hire his son, joining ECR partly because his son was working there, is equally unethical and illegal. In fact, his son’s employment should have been the catalytic reason for MEP Notis Marias for never considering to join ECR.
MEP Notis Marias even … selected the citizens he wants to represent! The Members of the European Parliament ARE ELECTED by citizens, MEPs do not select which citizens they will represent! Mr. Marias however truly made such a selection and created his own party “Ellada, o allos dromos” claiming to represent it in the European Parliament! In a letter to the President of the European Parliament, Mr. Marias stated that he will now represent his new party! This by itself is another public statement of resignation which was made in the maximum possible public way during a Strasbourg Press Conference last April, when Notis Marias told to all Media representatives that he will now represent his new party “Ellada, o allos dromos”. It is very awkward for us to try explaining aspects of elementary logic, which Marias openly and without hesitation is violating. The mandate which 200.000 Greek citizens gave to Notis Marias, is not a portable and transferable property of Notis Marias, so that he can carry it and transfer it wherever he wishes. The mandate is fixed and stable “political house” built by the 200.000 building blocks provided by our voters. When Mr. Marias “left” the “political house” which was built in the name of our coalition, he effectively and de-facto resigned his MEP position and lost credentials. Regarding his statement that he will now represent his new party in the European Parliament, we just need to note that the parties represented in the Parliament (European or national ones) are ONLY those which participated in the respected elections and were voted by citizens. Mr. Marias can not represent a party which did not participate in European elections and in fact in no elections whatsoever. Even totalitarian regimes setup elections to give external credibility to pre-determined results. Notis Marias did not even have the decency to respect what even totalitarian regimes are afraid off: people’s vote.
Notis Marias the entire amount of money which our coalition should receive and handle. Since his existence and function in the European Parliament is illegal, all money going to him or to others (like the ECR Group) because of him, essentially constitute a case of money laundering inside the European Parliament, with illegally obtained money laundered as “parliamentary activity”. The ECR Group is the main entity benefiting from his activity, not the Greek citizens. In fact, another one in his position could do much better and effective job, although we will not go in details here, since this is not the purpose of our letter.
We ask from the European Parliament (as stated above) to restore representation of the 200.000 Greek citizens betrayed by Notis Marias and take all appropriate actions to return to our coalition the entire amount of money which Notis Marias received during his illegal function as MEP, as well the entire amount of money which was conveyed to the ECR Group (directly and indirectly) because of the presence and function of Notis Marias within ECR. We propose this money been subtracted from ECR’s funding and ECR could ask them back from those responsible for Notis Marias’ actions.
We remain at your disposal for additional information and we propose to meet and promote the procedure we mentioned.